This war is insane. What a waste.
Get me drunk, I’ll tell you where the Nazi gold is hidden. And maybe some lollipops.
We gotta get those lollipops. Who loves ya baby!!!
I’ll do the lovin around here. We gotta get the Nazi gold.
Oh I see, the Nazi Gold. Yes we can go behind enemy lines and grab it. Count me in!!!
If the general finds out about this he’ll want a cut too.
Listen here Meathead, we’re gonna get some of that gold. I’m gonna open a bar and you’ll be put to work.
Gee I dunno Archie, that Nazi gold is not PC. We can’t touch it, it’s dirty. And those Nazi’s breath oxygen too, so we gotta stop breathing oxygen to virtue signal.
I was gonna say none of this is making sense. But war doesn’t make sense in any capacity. So let’s do a big heist in a war zone. It’ll make a great comedy. Right?
Ladies and Gentleman, come join Movie Night Madness for the 1970 WW2 comedy action film, Kelly’s Heroes.
Directed by
Brian G. Hutton
Clint Eastwood,
Telly Savalas,
Donald Sutherland,
Don Rickles,
and Carol O’connor..
Sisyphus Jones and Doc Rock present this entertaining movie Monday night at 9PM Est on Movie Night Madness.
Is Kelly’s plan good enough for Kelly’s Heroes to pull off a crazy gold heist in a combat zone? Or will Archie Bunker butt heads with Meathead and throw the whole plan off?
Are there any ethics in a war zone? What should happen to plundered wealth like the gold the Nazis had in the film? Or is everything fair game in a war situation?
We’ll have a great presentation and post movie discussion to weigh these issues.Join us for a fun evening. Monday night 9PM EST.
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Kelly's heros 02/19/24