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The adventures of Robin Hood: March 4th 9pm EST
Coming soon
How’s this for a plan? We declare false emergencies and use it as a pretense to take everything from everybody…
We turn the entire planet into the royal game preserve.
We have spent the last 50 years turning the world into a police surveillance state. Who would dare oppose us?
Royal game preserve? Are you bonkers? How could anybody claim this earth that was created by God?
The more you turn up the tyranny, the more we want to push back.
We the merry men will not tolerate this tyranny.
Vile villains, my arrows fly straight and true. How about you just leave us alone?
These chains will not hold me. I will die with my boots on if need be.
Of course I will rescue the fair Maid Marion.
Join us Monday night at 9pm Est as Movie Night Madness presents the swashbuckling classic, The Adventures of Robin Hood from 1938.
Hosted by Sisyphus Jones and Doc Rock, this fun movie laughs at authority and helps us ponder what can be done to push back against the real life villains who are marching hard to take away freedom.
Directed by
Michael Curtiz and William Keighly
Errol Flynn,
Olivia DeHavilland,
and Basil Rathbone.
What can be done to oppose what appears to be overwhelming tyranny? What truths are behind the Legend of Robin Hood? Are there any historical facts that confirm Robin Hood even existed?
Join Movie Night Madness for The Adventures of Robin Hood. It’s going to be super fun. First we do a presentation about the movie, then we watch along with the movie, then our audience joins for an amazing discussion after.
Be there or Friar Tuck will eat you!!!!

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