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Ahh, nothing like a fascist bloodthirsty government using bread and circuses to keep the masses distracted.
Who could contemplate revolution or pushing back against tyranny when the entertainment of people killing each other in state sanctioned violence is so delicious?
It’s such a grand spectacle. Our champions become celebrities to worship. The people simply become enthralled by these stars.
May the odds ever be in your favor….
WHOA!!! HOLD ON THERE!! We were doing state sanctioned violence way before you!!!
We predicted the insanity of reality tv game shows and a pervasive police surveillance state a long time ago.
Our fascist government depends on the slaughter to pacify the masses.
We own all of the media and we get them to turn monsters into celebrities…
The violence is so delicious even the Nazis are getting involved….
Nothing is too sacred when it comes to scoring points for this race…
Hang on, our movie is better, our champion was really just holding out for the right moment to strike back at the empire…
Hold my beer….
Ladies and Gentlemen, before Hunger Games, there was…..
Join Sisyphus Jones and Doc Rock as Movie Night Madness presents the hit and run madness of Death Race 2000 on Monday night 9PM Est.
This campy look at a fascist government pacifying the populace with lethal sports spectacle came out in 1975. Shot on a shoestring budget by Roger Corman’s production company, this film has a lot of the same ideas that would later be presented in the Hunger Games movies.
Nothing like a cross country road race that awards points for mowing down pedestrians to bump your score.
Directed by
Paul Bartel.
David Carradine,
Sylvester Stallone,
Louisa Moritz,
Don Steele.
How close are we to lethal sports entertainment today?
What were the writers of Death Race 2000 aware of to come out with this campy look at a fascist government with the most over the top bread and circuses?
How much did Hunger Games mine from this movie? Is Death Race 2000 the next step for the establishment after the Taylor Swift psy-op wears off?
Is our modern world of social media influencers and obsession with celebrity the logical progression from the society depicted in Death Race 2000?
Join Movie Night Madness Monday night 9PM Est as we shift into high gear with a great presentation about the film, a watch along of the film, and always awesome post movie discussion with our amazing audience.

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